Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?’ He said, ‘The one who showed him mercy.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’
+ Luke 10:36-37
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Over the last several weeks, we’ve been exploring what “Grace in Action” looks like, for God and for us. We’ve considered God’s generosity in building the home of creation, and our call to be world-builders and homemakers, too. We’ve thought about God’s prodigal, never-ending welcome, and about our own hospitality and celebration.
This week, as we approach Giving Sunday on October 23, we’d like to ask you to reflect on the grace that appears when we least expect it.
That’s what Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan is all about, since Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along in those days: imagining someone from the “other side” – of the aisle, of the debate, of the conflict – whose actions beautifully reflect the grace of God. And then to go and do likewise.
When the image of God shines brightest through our lives, we find ourselves building bridges, showing and receiving mercy, and learning from supposed “enemies.” As Lu and Mike shared with us on Sunday, our servant trips to Rippling Hope are among of the many ways that we’ve been a part of God’s merciful work of justice and reconciliation.
First Christian Church has a long history of putting “Grace in Action,” and with your help, we can do even more. I ask you to think about what this church family means to you. What has touched your heart and called you to be a part of this faith community? Where do you see “Grace in Action” and how has it inspired you?
This year, for the first time, Our Time and Talent sheets and pledge cards can be completed online! Here are the links:
Click here for the online Time & Talent Sheet
Click here for the online pledge form
Note: Are you working toward a tithe? Click here for more information
Be sure to join us on October 23, when we’ll celebrate and reflect on all the ways God’s “Grace in Action” has shaped our community – as well as all the ways we seek to be more gracious in our lives and work together. If you are joining us in person, please bring your blank pledge card, ready to be filled out with grace upon grace! (click here to register to come in-person).
See you Sunday!
Kirsten Cackoski, Board Chair, on behalf of our Stewardship Team:
Jen Krengel, Ron Keith, Arlene Jorgensen Hillestad, Pastor Laurie and Rev. Dr. Janet Long.