Dear Friends,
Members of our community, members of the Body of Christ, are hurting.
As of April 14, there have been more than 461 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced, with at least 119 of these bills seeking to eliminate vital healthcare services for trans and nonbinary youth. Nearly a dozen anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced in Kentucky, the state that will host our 2023 General Assembly. In many cases, the language of these bills and the rhetoric of the politicians who advance them deny the humanity of trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming people. We are in the midst of a moral, civil rights, and public health crisis.
We call upon the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to live into our commitment to transgender and gender-expansive individuals as evidenced by the 2019 resolution GA-1929, “An Invitation to Education for Welcoming and Receiving the Gifts of Transgender and Gender-Diverse People.” We are disheartened that our General Church has yet to respond to this widespread assault on members of our community. Silence in the face of injustice is violence. We are called to share “pastoral care best practices, and best practices for institutional inclusion concerning transgender and gender-diverse people and their families.” Therefore, we implore the Office of the General Minister and President, the Division of Overseas Ministries, and Disciples Home Missions to denounce anti-LGBTQ legislation and reaffirm the Church’s commitment to welcoming ALL.
We urge our congregations to publicly proclaim and manifest the welcome and affirmation of persons of all gender expressions and identities and sexual orientations. We know that Disciples hold a diversity of opinions when it comes to gender and sexuality. We want everyone, regardless of their beliefs, to listen, learn, wrestle, and grow. However, the humanity and dignity of God’s children is never up for debate.
Jesus teaches us to love ALL, without exception and without conditions. Jesus did not stand idly by and allow the marginalized to be stoned in the public square. His compassion compelled him to act.
Thus, we challenge all of our siblings in Christ to take action. AllianceQ offers a number of resources and action steps on our Action webpage. We know it can be difficult or overwhelming to know where to begin; so, we encourage you to connect with us and connect with one another. AllianceQ is committed to journeying with you as we strive for wholeness in this very fragmented world.
Let us be the people God called us to be. Let’s be the Church we say we are.
In solidarity,
Rev. Luther Young, Jr., Moderator
Rev. Melissa Guthrie, Executive Director + Minister
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