Open/Close Menu An Open & Affirming, Welcoming Community of Faith in the Heart of the Twin Cities: Come to a place where you can explore, be curious, and ask questions.

Date: October 1, 2023

Come learn about the founders of our congregation and some of the places we have gathered prior to moving into SpringHouse. This will be a hybrid online/on-site activity.
For those on-site, we will gather for a light lunch after worship. The live-streamed presentation will begin at 1:00 in the north sanctuary. This will be followed by a bus trip to Lakewood Cemetery to learn more about some of our founders at the places where they are buried.

Sign up below...

Bus#1: Karen K.
#2: Tammy R.
#3: Paul R.
#4: Pat D.
#5: Martha H.
#6: Dee W.
#7: Belinda F.
#8: Shannon G.
#9: Linda T.
#10: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#11: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Carpool#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#3: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#4: (empty) - sign-ups closed

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