When it comes to church, we have a lot of negative tapes playing in our heads:
“Church is judgmental.”
“Church is hypocritical.”
“They think they’re better than everyone else.”
It’s time for restoration. Time to rewind the tape.
New Church Ministry is dedicated to fostering faithful communities marked by deep Christian spirituality and a passion for God’s love and justice.
Like our ancestors, we’re going back to the beginning, when new Christian communities gathered together and shared all they had, organizing everything around the Spirit’s dreams for their lives and their communities.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, God is singing a new song: not a song of judgment, but of welcome and forgiveness; not a song of superiority, but of humility and grace; not a song of hoarding, but of sharing everything we have!
God’s movement for wholeness is already underway. Our job is to listen, and learn, and follow – supporting leaders and communities as the Spirit calls them into being, laying down a new song for a new generation.
Church as a place of generosity and justice. Church as a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
Your gifts to the 2024 Pentecost Offering, received on Sunday, May 12, and Sunday, May 19, are divided equally between your regional ministry, which supports local new churches, and New Church Ministry, which trains, equips, and assists emerging leaders to be “movement initiators.”
You can give your gift through Givelify, drop it in the offering plate on Sunday, or mail it to the church office.