November 6, 2023

Today is not the day that many of us expected.  We all know that no matter how we vote there is a candidate who wins and a candidate who loses.  Those results we expect the morning after an election.  Today is different though because there is more at stake than whether our candidate won or lost.  While most of our members live in Minnesota where we have wonderful laws, that is not true for those who live beyond Minnesota.

Today our LGBTQ+ siblings across the country woke up afraid of what rights will be taken away from them and if their marriages will still be legal. Our trans siblings are especially fearful in this moment.

Today women across the country woke up realizing that in their State they do not get to make choices about their health and medical care.

Today our siblings of color across the country woke up to knowing that racism, racist acts and systsemic white supremacy have been validated once again.

Today our immigrant siblings across the country woke up afraid of whether they will be allowed to remain in the United States of America.

While all of the above might not impact you if you are not a member of the LGBTQ+ community or a woman or a person of color or an immigrant it affects members of our church, friends of the church, our family members, people who live on our streets, our friends and communities far and wide.

Today is different…

Today we have members, friends, family and neighbors who are dismayed, scared and fearful. Our faith teaches us that if one in our community is impacted, we are all impacted.  I feel that impact and I know that many of you do too.

Today is different for there are those among us who cannot fathom having the strength to do more than get out of bed and even that is difficult.

Today is different and it may be hard for some to find hope.

Know that First Christian, your church, is a place of welcome, hope and justice.  First Christian, your church, is a home for all of God’s children especially LGBTQ+ siblings, women, siblings of color and our immigrant siblings.  First Christian is a safe space to lament, grieve and then be about the work of living out the Gospel.  For those who have the strength today to be about the work of living out the Gospel then please, please, please do it for so many cannot.

Today is different but one thing is the same.  Your pastors are here to listen, love you and stand with you.  Your church is still here to proclaim the love and goodness of God and live it out.

Today is different…. may God’s mercy, grace and comfort surround us all.

Much love, peace and hugs,

Pastor Laurie

Click here to access a support resource shared by Rev. Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock

OutFront Minnesota’s Anti-Violence Program has 13 volunteer therapists who have offered their time for support and care. Click here for contact links

CategoryPastor Laurie
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