Worship Series: The Inn: Housing The Holy – Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19, 26 – 10:30 AM
The pandemic has laid bare, and widened, economic disparity locally and globally. As we enter the Advent season, how can our churches become houses where the Holy will be born anew–offering respite, sustenance and care, opening the doors ever wider to those seeking shelter from the onslaught of life? No one church can do it all, but each can do something. As we study the biblical prophets that call us to care for our neighbors and “make room in the inn,” the lonely and frightened spaces within us are filled with the light of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. View Worship Series Trailer
The Inn – Bread For The Journey Online Advent Study, Wednesdays, 6:00 PM – Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22
As part of our Advent Worship series The Inn – Housing The Holy, there will be a weekly online Advent Study on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. Join us from your couch, recliner, dining room table, kitchen — this is going to be a laid-back time (45 minutes) focusing on themes from our worship series. Link and information will be sent out in the Sunday eblasts.
Advent Devotional – Advent Unbound
This year’s devotional will be sent out electronically.
If you wish to receive a hard copy of the devotional, please contact Deb.
Advent Mission and Outreach – MCC Refugee Services
This year First Christian will be collecting items for Refugee Services. For the past several years the number of refugees coming to Minnesota has been quite low; that number has increased this year and is expected to also increase next year. Many of the refugees are coming from warm climates and do not have winter clothing. Items can be either dropped off at the church (if you attend a service in person) or be picked up by a Mission and Outreach team member at your home. The goal is to deliver the goods to Refugee Services the week between Christmas and New Year’s.The most needed items are:
- Warm winter coats or jackets (new or like new) for men, women, children: sizes S,M,L (XL is NOT needed)
- Warm socks (NEW ONLY) for adults and children
- Mittens, gloves, hats, scarves (new preferred) for all ages
- Diapers and wipes
Blue Christmas Service – Tuesday, December 21, 7:00 PM
This service is a more quiet, contemplative service that provides care for all who are sad or struggling during the Advent season and leading up to Christmas. We hold the service as close to or on the Longest Night.
We hope you will find comfort, solace, and the beauty of God’s compassionate love in this worship service.
Christmas Eve Service – Friday, December 24, 7:00 PM
Our Christmas Eve service will be both in-person and live.
Registration information coming soon!