Our next worship series will be our stewardship series & invitation: All Creatures Great and Small, and will run September 22 – October 20.
Narrative budget committee members will give the 2024 narrative budget presentation during the sermon time on Sunday, September 22. Following worship, there will be a sandwich lunch served and a congregational meeting wherein financial options for the church will be presented. There will be a Zoom link provided for the congregational meeting.
We’ll continue the series into October, centering the ‘5Rs’ from the Narrative Budget, and we will receive our pledges on October 13 and October 20 will be our celebration Sunday.
Organized around Psalm 104’s celebration of all God’s creatures, including humanity, this series will help us explore what “being human” is really all about: creativity, generosity, and joy. At any age and stage of life, when we give and care and love, we become the people God made us to be!