Our Advent giving (instead of poinsettias) will be for Refugee Services through Minnesota Council of Churches. Here is a list of items that we can provide for new refugees to our…

Our Advent Worship Series is “On The Way to Bethlehem”, Dec. 1 – 29. We are so often focused on the destination in our travels. “Where are you going?” is…

“Like a shepherd you feed your flock, gathering the lambs and holding them close, and leading mother ewes with gentleness.” — Isaiah 40:11, The Inclusive Bible Advent can be filled…

FCC’s Advent giving project this year will be collecting personal care items for Groveland Foodshelf. Many people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity also experience food insecurity and struggle to meet…

The Advent Study begins on Wednesday, November 29, at 7 pm on zoom. The study is based on Amy Ogden’s book, “Right Here, Right Now: The Practice of Christian Mindfulness.”…

Many of you may recall that for years we have foregone having lots of flowers in the sanctuary for Christmas and Easter. Instead, we were able to make donations in honor…

This past Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent. That means, among other things, that’s it time to start an advent calendar! Attached you will find 2 different versions with…

“The Word became flesh and made a home among us.” John 1: 1-14 (CEB) The Christmas season is a time when the juxtaposition of the sacred and secular feels sometimes…