The 2025 camp schedule is now available! This year’s theme is Another Way. “Jesus often confronted the world around him with another way of being and by his example, we…

Register now for the Chi Rho (grades 6-8) and CYF (grades 9-12) midyear retreats! Take a moment to rest and relax and enjoy camp during the year. Both retreats will…

Our camp and conference center has a new website that you’ll want to go visit! Make sure you check out the ‘Summer Camps’ section as registration for the 2022 session…

ADAM (Art, Drama and Music) camp is going online! Deb Murphy is the Co-Director of this camp (along with Mark McWhorter), and Justin Carlson is one of the counselor/teachers. For…

We have a series of updates regarding the 2020 Camp Season. Click here to go to our Camps page to read the updates

We have a full season of camp offerings: *Standing Rock Camp, June 8 -15 *South Minneapolis Day Camp, June 17-21 – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED June 17 – June 21, 9am-4pm, Bethel…

2018 Camp Season at the Camp & Conference Center in Newton, IA will be here soon! Click here to learn more about your options, and to sign up!

The South Minneapolis Day Camp’s theme this summer will be: Peace ~ Salaam ~ Shalom. Day Camp will be held at Bethel Lutheran Church (same spot as last year) June…

With it warming up outside, thoughts are turning to spring and summer, which means camp season is right around the corner! It’s not too soon to start thinking about camp…