The SpringHouse Child Ministries Team invites you to join them for Family Folk Dancing on Sunday, March 5 from 12 – 1:30 pm in the South Sanctuary. The dances will…

This Sunday will be the annual Sunday School Pageant and Advent Joint Worship Service. Worship will begin at 10:30 am in the South Sanctuary. It’s going to be a lot…

SpringHouse is looking for very part time, child care staff, approximately 4 hours on Sunday morning, availability needed every other Sunday, more often as needed to help cover other person…

The first SpringHouse intergenerational event of the season will be Oct. 30, 9:15-10:15 am in the Gathering Space. Come celebrate Dias de los Muertos (Day of the Dead.) and learn about this meaningful Mexican Catholic…

The South Minneapolis Day Camp’s theme this summer will be: Peace ~ Salaam ~ Shalom. Day Camp will be held at Bethel Lutheran Church (same spot as last year) June…

With it warming up outside, thoughts are turning to spring and summer, which means camp season is right around the corner! It’s not too soon to start thinking about camp…

Create a diorama with Peeps to be displayed on Palm Sunday Sunday. The theme is “Kid Power in the Bible”reflecting the theme for Sunday school this year. Open to all –…