Dining Out For Life® is an annual fundraising event where the community comes together to eat out at restaurants that have committed to donating a percentage of their profits to HIV/AIDS…

***IMPORTANT UPDATE ABOUT TOMORROW — PLEASE READ*** From The Global Day of Prayer for Justice for George Floyd and Black Liberation Planning Committee:   Our hearts are broken. We are…

Giving a valentine to someone isn’t the only way to show your love this month.  At FCC, we have at least three opportunities to join with others in showing we…

The Minneapolis Interfaith Relief Fund (MIRF) has been established by the senior clergy of the downtown interfaith congregations in response to requests for financial support from the communities affected by…

We have a series of updates regarding the 2020 Camp Season. Click here to go to our Camps page to read the updates

First Christian Church, through our Open Table LGBTQ Ministry, is deeply involved in working with OutFront Minnesota and other faith leaders in working to ban the discredited and harmful practice…

Founded in 1997, the Downtown Coalition for Grief Support is a unique non-profit resource to help Twin Cities adults deal with the death of a child, family member, friend, spouse,…

This Thursday will be the 2019 Homeless Memorial March & Service, starting at 5:00 pm at the Hennepin Country Government Center. Click here for all the details!

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