Seen and Heard: Bullets to Bells An event for Gun Violence Healing July 15, 2023, 4:00 pm Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church Witness artist Stephanie Mercedes transform weapons into music….

Thursday, November 24, 10am Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church 511 Groveland Avenue or livestream: www.haumc.org Celebrate the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service featuring the Downtown Congregations, hosted by Hennepin Avenue United Methodist…

This spring and next, Passover, Ramadan, and Easter coincide. After 2023, this convergence will not happen again for another 33 years. The downtown congregations are planning two events this year…

Worship Series: The Inn: Housing The Holy – Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19, 26 – 10:30 AM The pandemic has laid bare, and widened, economic disparity locally and globally….

Celebrate Thanksgiving with our neighbors at the Interfaith Thanksgiving service at Temple Israel. This worship service, offered by the Downtown Congregations Interfaith Senior Clergy, will feature a sermon by Pastor…

The SpringHouse Green Team invites us to join them in celebrating Earth Week: Earth Day, Thursday, April 22—Join a zoom celebration of Earth Day from noon to 1:00 that will…

The homeless population of our city needs your help, with special urgency due to Covid-19 and winter weather challenges. AlignMpls addresses homelessness through a variety of actions and services. These…

Simpson Housing Services will be hosting the annual Homeless Memorial Service virtually on Thursday, December 17, at 7:00 pm. The service will be broadcast through their Facebook page. Because of…