Join us Monday, July 24, 6:30 pm, at Lake Monster Brewing Company in St. Paul for Brews and Views. Good beer, fellowship, and lively conversation! The food truck for the evening…

Join us this Monday, April 10, 6:30 pm, at Lake Monster Brewing Company in St. Paul. Our discussion topic will be Pastor Laurie’s D.Min project and the sermons preached thus…

Come hungry to worship – the SpringHouse Nicaragua Servant Trip team will be serving us a Central American-style lunch this Sunday! All proceeds go to support the July trip.

The SpringHouse Child Ministries Team invites you to join them for Family Folk Dancing on Sunday, March 5 from 12 – 1:30 pm in the South Sanctuary. The dances will…

This Sunday after worship, there will be a fundraising lunch for the SpringHouse Servant Trip to Nicaragua. It will be a baked potato bar and bake sale, so come hungry…

Book Club will meet January 23 at 7 pm at Van Dunham’s house. This month’s selection is A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain.

The first SpringHouse intergenerational event of the season will be Oct. 30, 9:15-10:15 am in the Gathering Space. Come celebrate Dias de los Muertos (Day of the Dead.) and learn about this meaningful Mexican Catholic…

It’s that time of year again – time for our annual SpringHouse Apple Picking trip to Deardorff Orchards! Meet up at the orchard at 1 pm. The orchard has: tractor…