Join us for Holy Week and Easter – we will again have a slate of services and activities leading up to Easter Sunday: Come and make a diorama with Peeps!…

Links for the week: LiveStream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVqQ57szyEh8JCtF_8lhiw Maundy Thursday Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81587513478, or by phone (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 815 8751 3478 Prayer Vigil SignUp: https://www.fccminneapolis.org/sheet/2023-easter-vigil-signup/ Downloadable palms available on front page…

We invite you to join us during Holy Week as we journey towards and into Easter Sunday. We have a variety of hybrid services available, as well as our online…

2021 Holy Week at First Christian Maundy Thursday At Home – Thurs. Apr. 1 This year will be a guided Maundy Thursday practice focused on labyrinths and the Stations of…

This year’s Prayer Vigil begins at 8 pm on Maundy Thursday (April 1) and ends at 3 pm on Good Friday (April 2). Prayer will be from your own location…

Our Holy Week Schedule: MAUNDY THURSDAY (4/9), 7:00 PM: We will LiveStream our Maundy Thursday Service. To join us, click here PRAYER VIGIL (4/9, 8:00 PM thru 4/10, 3:00 PM): There…

There will be many opportunities during Holy Week to join us for worship, to center yourself and journey the steps of Christ: Sunday, April 14 – Palm Sunday Processional and…