Week of Compassion Special Offering 2024 GIFTS TO LIVE ON [Jesus] looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; he also saw a poor widow put in two small…

FCC’s Advent giving project this year will be collecting personal care items for Groveland Foodshelf. Many people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity also experience food insecurity and struggle to meet…

Plaster House has a big announcement! They have a new name – Kafika House. Click here to read the announcement and learn more

Align Minneapolis’ Fall FUNdraiser! Join us for a Day at the Mansion* and learn more about the great work of Align! Sunday October 8th, 11:30am-3pm (open house style) The Dignity…

July Mission and Outreach Activity: Collecting donations to Augsburg Health Commons at Central Lutheran Church. When a person experiencing homelessness (PEH) experiences a health condition, the ability to manage or…

EVENT CXLD DUE TO WEATHER. We will make sandwiches for Groveland Food Shelf following worship on Sunday. Please bring any books & blankets you have for People Serving People to…

“Emergency SNAP benefits end, Minnesota food shelves brace for growing need,” (StarTribune headline, February 28, 2023) Extra SNAP benefits (formerly called Food Stamps) were started in March 2020. Over 432,000…

“They RISE UP ANEW each morning, so great is God’s faithfulness.” Lamentations 3: 21-23 Week of Compassion is the relief, refugee, and sustainable development mission fund of the Christian Church…