First Covenant Church (one of our AlignMpls partner congregations) is serving as an emergency shelter for those affected by the Drake Hotel fire on Christmas Day.  The intense needs of…

In lieu of buying flowers to decorate the sanctuary, this year we are asking people to donate to our two Advent Mission Projects. Monetary donations will go to Week of…

This Thursday will be the 2019 Homeless Memorial March & Service, starting at 5:00 pm at the Hennepin Country Government Center. Click here for all the details!

Calling all bakers!  Come join us Saturday, December 14, at 3:00 pm in the SpringHouse Gathering Space kitchen and have some fun – we’ll be baking cookies for The Aliveness…

The Hennepin County Board is considering increasing shelter funding for the first time in years as a direct result of Street Voices of Change and their Shelter Residents Bill of Rights. We…

Join us on November 16 as we pack meals at Feed My Starving Children in Eagan – it helps make a big difference in the lives of children and adults…

Downtown Congregations to End Homelessness IS NOW Align Minneapolis Same mission and work, new name and brand: Align congregations across faith towards a common goal Align direct services with the…

Thank you to everyone who donated and/or participated in Mission At Our Doorstep! Because of your generosity: 135 Bags of Grace33 people served dinner at St. Stephens ShelterDays for Girls…

Twin Cities Pride will be taking place June 22 & 23 at Loring Park in Minneapolis, and once again we will have a joint Disciples of Christ booth. This is…

Mission At Our Doorstep is a month earlier this year (June 24-27) due to General Assembly, so it’s time for us to begin collecting what we need. Below is the…

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