Open/Close Menu An Open & Affirming, Welcoming Community of Faith in the Heart of the Twin Cities: Come to a place where you can explore, be curious, and ask questions.

General Minister and President Sharon Watkins offers this video in response to the recent events in Orlando and the anniversary of the Charleston shooting. Love Wins

Happy Reading! June 25, 2016

Hot off the press – the latest edition of our newsletter.  Happy Reading! May 28, 2016

Here is the latest issue of The Courier.  Happy reading! April 2, 2016

With it warming up outside, thoughts are turning to spring and summer, which means camp season is right around the corner!  It’s not too soon to start thinking about camp…

Please join us this Saturday, 6 – 9 pm, in the Gathering Space for First Saturdays, the monthly social and community gathering for LGBTQ Youth.  There will be food, fun, dancing,…

Create a diorama with Peeps to be displayed on Palm Sunday Sunday. The theme is “Kid Power in the Bible”reflecting the theme for Sunday school this year. Open to all –…

SpringHouse Ministry Center: Part Time Child Care Staff Hours: Very part time, approximately 2-3 hours on Sunday morning, availability needed most Sundays, a schedule is arranged in advance to allow…

Hot off the press! February 20, 2016

Week of Compassion is the relief, refugee and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. They seek to equip and empower disciples…

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