The Book of Revelation – the last book of the Bible.  What does it really say?  What does it mean?  What do we as modern followers of Christ do with…

This past Sunday, Pastor Laurie graduated from Luther Seminary with her Doctor of Ministry degree!  Congratulations Rev. Dr. Feille!!!

Pastor Laurie successfully defended her Doctor of Ministry thesis:  Confessional Biblical Preaching in the Face of Whiteness: Challenging the Preacher’s Understanding of White Supremacy on Tuesday, April 10 at Luther Theological…

Pastor Laurie will be leading a 3-week Advent study entitled Advent-A Time of Waiting: What Are We Waiting For?, based on selected sermons from the 2017 General Assembly in Indianapolis.  The study…

Here’s our opportunity to challenge Pastor Laurie to get her message out in fewer words. For the rest of March, we will be collecting food for Minnesota Food Share. Please…

Pastor Laurie, Bill Spangler-Dunning, and other Disciples clergy and laity will be taking part in the Religious Allies Pray & March with Standing Rock gathering in Washington, D.C. this Thursday (Mar….

Dear Church, Today some of us woke up to a world where our presidential candidate won and some of us woke up to a world where our presidential candidate lost….

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