Join CIM for 4 one-half hour conversations on Native American Heritage Day and Thanksgiving weekend. These short conversations are arranged so you might use them over this season to promote…
Join the Upper Midwest Region’s AR/PR Action Team for this important discussion with Rev. Marian Edmonds-Allen and Rev. Yadi Martinez-Reyna. REGISTRATION REQURIED:…/tZAqd… Rev. Marian Edmonds-Allen is executive director of…
The June 18, 2022 Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls will be a generationally transformative and disruptive gathering of poor and low-wealth…
From our colleagues at Minnesota Coalition For The Homeless: We have officially reached the end of the regular Legislative Session for 2022. Before anything else, the Minnesota Coalition for the…
Background Align Minneapolis is an interfaith coalition of 17 member congregations across the city of Minneapolis working to address homelessness together. Our vision is that everyone in Minneapolis has access…
May 17, 2022 On May 14, 2022, in Buffalo, New York, a self-described white supremist, 18 years old, went to a grocery store in a predominantly Black neighborhood and shot…
Join the Action Team of the Upper Midwest Anti Racism/Pro Reconciling Team for a discussion of Policing and Black Bodies. We are excited to have The Rev. Jia Starr Brown…
What if “Flaws and All” was a song about a complicated relationship with God? And “Survivor” spoke to how Black women thrive even as they’re undervalued and underestimated? Beyoncé Mass…