Open/Close Menu An Open & Affirming, Welcoming Community of Faith in the Heart of the Twin Cities: Come to a place where you can explore, be curious, and ask questions.

Dining Out For Life® is an annual fundraising event involving the generous participation of volunteers, corporate sponsors and restaurants. The concept is simple: Restaurants donate a generous percent of their…

March is Minnesota FoodShare Month, and, as we did last year, we are directly supporting Groveland Food Shelf, one of our Mission & Outreach partners. By giving financially to Groveland,…

The Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus stands with us to build safe space for LGBTQ people. March 29-30 at 8 pm, TCGMC presents a concert highlighting the stories of LGBTQ heroes called…

Homeless Day on the Hill March 15th, 2016 7:45am-3:00PM Who: You! When: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 8:00 AM – Bus departs from Hennepin Ave UMC (See below) 8:00 AM –…

This Saturday is the 2019 Women’s March!  Click here for more information, there are Green Line light rail stops at both ends of the march. 

Rev. Terri Hord Owens joined other national faith leaders this morning in expressing support for asylum seekers, and urging the President to uphold protections for families and individuals seeking safety…

from General Minister and President Terri Hord Owens Yesterday hatred took the lives of faithful people and violated sacred space at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh, PA. This…

As the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we have helped welcome tens of thousands of refugees since the end of World War II. Will you join with Disciples and other…

SpringHouse Adult Ed starts September 16, and our first 3-week series will focus on examining the disasters that have occurred in Puerto Rico, Detroit, and Flint through the lens of…

Submitted by Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries Remembering how Jesus in Matthew 19 urged children not be hindered from accessing love, but allowed to come…

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