Introducing Choir-Lite! You can join the choir short-term for Mardi Gras Sunday! Rehearsals on that music will begin at 9:45 AM for the next 4 Sundays. Contact Caroline with questions…

Our next worship series is Do Unto Others, which will run Oct. 27 – Nov. 24 About the series: Our world seems to be consumed with division–often typified in the colors…

You can now sign up to be a worship leader online! Dates available through end of year: click here to signup

This Sunday will be our annual Mardi Gras Worship Service. Our Mardi Gras band will be back, and there will be king cake, beads, and lots of fun!! Colors for…

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! — 2 Corinthians 5:17 The new year always brings…

“Like a shepherd you feed your flock, gathering the lambs and holding them close, and leading mother ewes with gentleness.” — Isaiah 40:11, The Inclusive Bible Advent can be filled…

Please join us for our annual joint worship service in the park! Nick Tangen from the Minneapolis ELCA Synod Faith Practices & Neighboring Practices program will be joining us as…

What does a community look like that is living out its call to be the “people of God?” In our next series, we are asked by our inspirational theme song…

This Sunday during worship, we will have the ordination service for Caila Rinker. There will be a reception following the service.

Life is so busy…there’s always “one more thing”! But, what if we thought less about “giving up” and more about “making room?” In this worship series, we will find out…