Our Lent Worship Series is “Looking For Love In All The Right Places”, and begins with Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, February 22 at 7:00 PM. The Christian scriptures offer…

“Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand…” You were created for a purpose, formed into something spectacular–not just created, but re-created again and…

FCC’s summer worship series is “Stories Around the Campfire.” This series begins on June 19, 2022. We need your participation in the series in two ways: 1. We want to…

We invite you to join us during Holy Week as we journey towards and into Easter Sunday. We have a variety of hybrid services available, as well as our online…

Lent begins this Wednesday, March 2 and we being a new worship series – Good Enough: Embracing the Imperfections of Life and Faith We live in a culture bent on definitions…

It’s The News You’ve Been Waiting For! In-Person Worship is Back!! We are happy to announce that we are resuming In-Person Worship Attendance, starting with Mardi Gras Sunday Feb. 27!! There are spots for 25…

During our January 16th worship service, Daniel’s ordination service will take place. Clergy are invited to wear red stoles, the congregation members are encouraged to wear red, and since we’re…

Worship Series: The Inn: Housing The Holy – Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19, 26 – 10:30 AM The pandemic has laid bare, and widened, economic disparity locally and globally….