Celebrate Thanksgiving with our neighbors at the Interfaith Thanksgiving service at Temple Israel. This worship service, offered by the Downtown Congregations Interfaith Senior Clergy, will feature a sermon by Pastor…

Good News: Advent 2021 will look a little different than Advent 2020. Beginning November 21 we will start having small groups of members in worship through the Sunday after Christmas….

Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed…

Pilgrimage has long been a practice of spiritual devotion, not just in Christianity but in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and most other spiritual traditions. Major experiences such as the Camino de…

In the midst of bad news, fake news and no-news-is-good-news, wouldn’t you like to reclaim the wonder, joy and goodness of life? What if we lived life truly connected to…

Our new worship series for Lent is “Holy Vessels”. Each of us is created a precious and holy vessel of embodied love. We have been through a harrowing time since…

This Sunday we begin a new worship series – God Is Holding Your Life. Life is a series of exclamations from “O No!” to “Help!” to “Oh Yeah!” We can swing…

This Sunday we begin our Advent Series: “I Believe, Even When….” based on a poem scrawled on a wall during the Holocaust by an anonymous Jewish poet: “I believe in…
We’re sharing this morning’s Visio Divina video due to sound issues. If you’d like to learn more about Matt, visit https://www.wheretheheckismatt.com/.