With it warming up outside, thoughts are turning to spring and summer, which means camp season is right around the corner! It’s not too soon to start thinking about camp…

Please join us this Saturday, 6 – 9 pm, in the Gathering Space for First Saturdays, the monthly social and community gathering for LGBTQ Youth. There will be food, fun, dancing,…

Create a diorama with Peeps to be displayed on Palm Sunday Sunday. The theme is “Kid Power in the Bible”reflecting the theme for Sunday school this year. Open to all –…

Join us on December 5 for the next First Saturdays LGBTQ Youth Social & Community Gathering. We will be putting together pretzel treat pacs for the residents of Clare Housing’s…

We are excited to welcome Pamela Cook as the new SpringHouse Youth Minister! Pamela is currently a Masters of Divinity student at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. A…

On Saturday, August 22nd the youth and youth families (if they want to) will have a get together. We will go to Feed My Starving Children from 11:30-1:30 and then…