Click here to view the Destination: Paraguay Galleries
A big THANK YOU to Sands McAlee who is serving as the conduit from the team to get the word out to everyone!
August 11: THEY ARE HOME!!!
August 10:
Hard to believe the mission trip has come to an end. Our team ended their last few days staying with families in Asuncion, learning new dance moves, solidifying friendships and reflecting on how God has touched their lives and the lives of those they have spent time with. Think of all the adventures, learnings and experiences they will have to share with us. While they are sad to leave, they are excited to be coming home. Remember, you can see pictures on Facebook under First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)-Minneapolis. Check out the dance moves!
They will leave Asuncion today at 3 and arrive in Saint Paul tomorrow morning at 9:26. Please pray for traveling mercies upon our friends and family.
August 5:
Our mission team really enjoyed the last two days exploring Paraguay, visiting Jesuit mission ruins and learning more about the history of the country. They were able to wave to Argentina across the river banks. Our group was also a bit pampered to travel around in style. They had prepared to move about in an older bus- like maybe an old school bus, but instead were blessed with a ‘real’ bus- like a greyhound with air-conditioning! They spent last night in Brazil and report they are enjoying all the critters they see- yes even the large spiders that keep them company. Today they are experiencing the power of Iguazu falls. If you have not googled them, you may want to as they look mighty!
Please continue to keep the team in your prayers for safety, health and all their interactions that impact lives of all involved!
August 3:
Our team reports the last 6 days have just flown by. They have scraped, sanded, painted, cleaned and planted. They also have enjoyed the companionship of another mission group, learned traditions of Paraguay, explored and expanded their confidence levels. They have enjoyed good food, worked through high temperatures and made marvelous memories. After 5 days of labor, laughter and learning at the camp, our group is on the move. They leave today to head to Brazil where they will visit the Jesuit Ruins, small village and other places as they travel. Wednesday they will spend exploring Iguazu falls.
The plan is to be back to the camp for dinner on Wednesday.
Your prayers are very much appreciated and we ask for continued prayers as they travel around Paraguay.
August 1:
Our mission team is working hard and having fun- what a great combination! They have divided into different work groups and are tackling many projects around the camp- such as painting inside and out! They rise early with breakfast at 7 a.m. and work a full day with dinner at 7 p.m. It has been unusually hot for Paraguay- as this is their winter. The temperatures have been close to 90- instead of the normal 70’s, but our group has not let that slow them down!
Some of our mission members are sharing their sleeping quarters with another group at the camp who only speak Spanish so there is a lot of gesturing and communication charades happening. It was reported the fresh bananas are yummy and the meals are great.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
July 30:
The first day at Jack Norment camp in Paraguay went very well. Our team was worn out from 24 hours of travel, so they enjoyed a good night’s sleep their first night at camp. Reports are after a full days’ work of removing moss and sanding, everyone is dirty and tired but smiling and having a wonderful time. The food is plentiful and the company great. We anticipate hearing phenomenal stories out of this trip.
Your continued prayers are very much needed and appreciated!
July 29:
All of our folks are in camp safely and wonderfully, all the luggage made it also! They say it is a pretty landscape and they have started to settle into their sleeping rooms. Mosquitos are not too bad either- (or at least yet!)
Thank you for your prayers for this leg of the journey, please continue to pray for the lives they will touch and the lives that will touch them.
2:58 pm:
Hooray! Our mission group has landed safely in Paraguay. They are on the ground safely. Now each individual is going through to get their visas for Paraguay and then they will head to camp. We’re hearing folks are tired but in good spirits!
11:33 am:
Our mission group is now boarding the plane to Paraguay and ready for the final leg of the journey-hard to believe they started this trip 24 hours ago! Good news for many on the trip though, they had a Starbucks close to their gate, so refueled with caffeine- apparently it was hard to sleep on the leg from Detroit to Brazil.Once in Paraguay, each individual person has to stand in line to get their visa’s for Paraguay, so it can be a long process. After all the paperwork is settled and luggage gathered, they will then embark on about an hour or so van trip to the camp. Please continue to pray for safety, health, happiness and God’s amazing hand upon them.
9:00 am:
The group has landed safely in San Palo Brazil around 6:30 a.m.. It sounds like it was a long flight but they are there safe and healthy. Now they have a 5 hour layover and then on to the next leg of the journey- Asuncion Paraguay! Please continue to keep them in your prayers.