Several times a year, congregations receive a special offering to support the ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). These gifts are given above and beyond the regular core support of Disciples Mission Fund.
The Easter Offering, received by most congregations on April 2 & 9, 2023, supports several of the general ministries of the Christian Church. Your gift supports college students in leadership development programs, global mission partners, health and social service ministries, the formation of new congregations, support for pastors and chaplains, and so much more.
General Ministries that receive support from the Easter Offering include:
- Center for Faith and Giving
- Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries (Obra Hispana)
- Communication Ministries
- Christian Unity and Interfaith Ministry
- Disciples of Christ Historical Society
- Disciples Home Missions
- Disciples Women
- Division of Overseas Ministries (Global Ministries)
- Higher Education and Leadership Ministries
- National Benevolent Association
- National Convocation
- New Church Ministry
- North American Pacific / Asian Disciples
- Office of the General Minister and President
- Treasury Services
Your gift to the Easter Offering is part of God’s enduring love…
Love that creates…
- Bible studies that challenge and inspire
- Opportunities for clergy to gather in prayer
- Spiritual care for those in prison
- Resources for mental health and trauma care
Love that inspires…
- Visionary leadership that calls the us to imagine new ways of being church.
- New congregations that worship in a variety of languages and worship styles
- Ministries of compassion and care
Love that makes a difference…
- Global ministry partners who work for justice, reconciliation and peace
- Colleges, universities and theological institutions that nurture Christian leaders who are transforming church, society and the world
- Collaborative response in the wake of disaster
- support for congregational service ministries that serve hungry neighbors
Your gift to the Easter special offering benefits general ministries, allowing us to do more together than we can alone. More ministry. More impact. More of God’s love in the world. You may make your special offering gift through Givelify or mail it to the church office.