Pastor Laurie will be leading a 3-week Advent study entitled Advent-A Time of Waiting: What Are We Waiting For?, based on selected sermons from the 2017 General Assembly in Indianapolis. The study will take place Tuesday evenings, December 5, 12, and 19, at 7:00 pm.
We will be watching three sermons from our General Assembly in Indianapolis this past summer. We have begun a new chapter in the life of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), with the election of a new General Minister and President, Rev. Dr. Teresa Hord Owens. Along with a new chapter for the Disciples of Christ our world has changed in a variety of ways or at least due to technology we now know in an instant the changes that happen across the world.
Advent is a time for us to slow down and reflect on the world and our role as followers of Jesus Christ. The three sermons that we will watch will help us to better understand our place in the world as Disciples of Christ and imagine and reflect on where God is leading us as First Christian Church, Minneapolis. If Advent is a time of waiting then what are we waiting for? We will watch the sermons together and then have time for discussion.