9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Plymouth Congregational Church
Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55403, United States
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For people invested in transforming their institutions and ecologies to become racially just, it is critically important to understand what antiracism is and what it requires of leaders in institutions. This work includes building shared understanding of how systemic racism operates within institutions, practice identifying its impacts and tools for imagining solutions. The workshop is designed for institutions who want their staff as well as their leadership to build shared framework and practice applying these frameworks to their own institutional life. This workshop accomplishes the following objectives:

Introduce a framework for understanding antiracism and what it requires of institutions and their leaders.
Frame systemic racism and its relationship to white dominant culture.
Begin exploring how systemic racism advantages white people and harms people of color because of a socio-political arrangement we are all conditioned to accept.
Invite participants to grapple with how they are upholding this arrangement regardless of their intent.
Begin exploring the long-term strategic work of dismantling systemic racism in institutions and society.
This workshop utilizes large and small group conversation and individual reflection, as well as applied practice of frameworks introduced to provide participants with both knowledge and experience. Crossroads unique analysis provides a place to start or deepen for institutions committed to institutional transformation. Following this workshop, Crossroads offers a variety of opportunities to build upon themes and frameworks introduced in this workshop.

This workshop can be offered in a format that accommodates up to 50 participants facilitated by a team of four facilitators.

Register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/crossroadsantiracismorganizingtraining/1480319


February 28
9:00 am - 5:00 pm