1:00 pm — 2:30 pm
SHMC Lydia Meeting Room (Lower Level)
SHMC Lydia Meeting Room (Lower Level), 610 West 28th St, Minneapolis, MN, 55408
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Share what you value at FCC!

What is it you most value about First Christian Church?
What is it at First Christian that keeps you connected?
What is First Christian good at that others might be attracted to?

Many of you have filled out the survey on what you most value at First Christian Church. If you have not, please use this URL to do so: https://www.fccminneapolis.org/2023-fcc-congregational-survey/

The next step is to meet in small groups, either in person or on zoom, so we can reflect together on the survey questions as well as the questions listed above.

Talking together in small groups is a way for you to share what you value and to learn what others value, so that together we can make workable plans for a vital and sustainable future. small groups, either in person and on zoom, so we can reflect together about what we value about First Christian and what will best take us into a vital future.

Please click on the URL shown on the right to sign up. If you cannot use the URL on the right to sign up, you are invited to call or email Kirsten Cackoski (612-788-4826; cackoski@msn.com) or Martha Harris (763-593-0814; harrismartha@mac.com) to indicate the meeting date and time you prefer.


December 2, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Kirsten Cacoski