Coffee Hour and Game Time
Get ready to wake up and have fun! This coffee hour will have an added game time - you won't want to miss out! To join us through your phone:...
Get ready to wake up and have fun! This coffee hour will have an added game time - you won't want to miss out! To join us through your phone:...
Join us after church on Sunday, September 17. This will be both an onsite and online event. Onsite, enjoy the zoo, conservatory, mini-golf, etc. We will gather at the picnic shelter (located by the mini-golf course) from 2-8 pm, with a grilled supper at 6 pm. The Zoom room opens at 6pm. Zoom meeting ID:...
Come learn about the founders of our congregation and some of the places we have gathered prior to moving into SpringHouse. This will be a hybrid online/on-site activity, through our FCC LiveStream channel and *possibly* a YouTube Live or Zoom piece at the cemetery. For those on-site, we will gather for a light lunch after worship. The...
Polish up your skills and get ready to shine! Here’s an opportunity to share your talents (whatever they may be) with your FCC family. For those on-site, we will begin serving pie at 6:30, but you’ll want to stake out your seat for the best views in the sanctuary for when the show begins at...
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