Disciples Alliance Q Transgender Day of Visibility Vigil


We are celebrating our trans and gender-expansive siblings — God’s beloved creation — and we are bringing to light the discrimination and violence the community faces. We will shine our lights and work for trans justice every day. On Friday, March 31, join Disciples Alliance Q for the day, for several hours, or for an...

OutFront LGBTQ+ Lobby Day At The Capital

Minnesota State Capitol 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, St. Paul, MN, United States

For more information and to register: https://secure.everyaction.com/N3OnXGMgkk-FL0g-Y_7w6g2

A Conversation with the UMW Region’s Open and Affirming Team


Join the Open & Affirming Ministries team for the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest to learn more about what the team does in our region and discuss the recent spate of anti-trans/anti-queer laws and their effect on our siblings. Pastor Dan is a member of the team. Pre-registration is required. https://us02web.zoom.us/.../tZUkdumgpz0vG9F9gckzpSVnPiDal...