Coffee Hour With The Pastors
FCC Zoom Channel Meeting ID: 833 8902 4402 Meeting ID: 833 8902 4402 Meeting ID: 867 6425 3907 Meeting ID: 833 8902 4402
Grieving? Show up any Saturday at 10 am to 11:30 am to hear a speaker on various topics of grief and loss, and then break into small discussion groups to...
Join us at 9 am in the South Sanctuary as we begin a new choir year! All voices and ability levels are welcome! For questions, please contact our music director,...
An Invitation From Caroline Introducing Choir-Lite! You can join the choir short-term for Mardi Gras Sunday! Rehearsals on that music will begin at 9:45 AM for the next 4 Sundays....
Youth group is starting up again! Please join Chelsea and other SpringHouse youth for games, snacks, fellowship, and exploring faith starting THIS Sunday, December 3rd from 10:00am-10:25am in the youth...
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