Sunday Worship (Online and In-Person)
FCC South Sanctuary & FCC LiveStream ChannelClick on the link on the right to attend online.
Click on the link on the right to attend online.
To join us by phone: (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 884 1420 5159
To join through your phone: (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 867 4016 4331
Our Ash Wednesday service, February 14, will be on zoom this year. Plan on gathering at 7 pm on zoom as we begin the journey of Lent to Easter morning...
To join us by phone: (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 884 1420 5159
To join through your phone: (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 867 4016 4331
Grieving? Show up any Saturday at 10 am to 11:30 am to hear a speaker on various topics of grief and loss, and then break into small discussion groups to...
Starts at 9:15am and ends at 10:15am. Music Director Caroline Povolny invites “any and all skill levels” to join the FCC choir to sing during Lent and Easter. Rehearsals begin...
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