Week of Events
Choir Rehearsals
Choir Rehearsals
Join us at 9 am in the South Sanctuary as we begin a new choir year! All voices and ability levels are welcome! For questions, please contact our music director, Dr. Caroline Povolny
SpringHouse Youth Room Open Hours
Choir Lite
Choir Lite
An Invitation From Caroline Introducing Choir-Lite! You can join the choir short-term for Mardi Gras Sunday! Rehearsals on that music will begin at 9:45 AM for the next 4 Sundays. Contact Caroline with questions! We will do the same for Easter! Regular full choir rehearsals will still happen at 9 AM.
SpringHouse Youth Group Activities
SpringHouse Youth Group Activities
Youth group is starting up again! Please join Chelsea and other SpringHouse youth for games, snacks, fellowship, and exploring faith starting THIS Sunday, December 3rd from 10:00am-10:25am in the youth room (behind the squiggle room). All youth ages 10-18 are invited to participate! If you have any questions, please reach out to Chelsea at springhouseyouth@fccmpls.org.
Sunday Worship (Online and In-Person)
The ABC’s of Trauma: the Autonomic Nervous System, Behaviors, and Compassion
The ABC’s of Trauma: the Autonomic Nervous System, Behaviors, and Compassion
Presented by Soo-Kyung Rennert, MS Sunday, February 23rd following worship Join us in community, coregulation, and play as we share a meal and learn about how human nervous systems, bodies, and perceptions are impacted by trauma. Lunch will include Andy's smoked meats!
Post-Worship Coffee Hour
Post-Worship Coffee Hour
Following worship, join us in the Gathering Space for coffee fellowship with Lyndale. The kitchen committee is looking for volunteers to help out in the following ways: · One volunteer to bring a snack of their choice. Examples are: fruit, veggies, something sweet, and gluten free items are welcome. · One volunteer to assist with...
Disciples Justice Ministries Webinar: Immigration Issues
Disciples Justice Ministries Webinar: Immigration Issues
In this 90-minute session we will address needs and questions from congregations about changes in the US immigration system and ways that we can faithfully engage these pressing issues. We'll hear from Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel Jonelle Ocloo and other faith and justice leaders. Register here: https://nbacares-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ezn0MuS8SoS8nXTcLRcmmw#/registration
Happy Hour With The Pastors
Worship Committee
Animating Antiracist Ways of Being
Animating Antiracist Ways of Being
For people invested in transforming their institutions and ecologies to become racially just, it is critically important to understand what antiracism is and what it requires of leaders in institutions. This work includes building shared understanding of how systemic racism operates within institutions, practice identifying its impacts and tools for imagining solutions. The workshop is...
Moana Jr.
Coffee Hour With The Pastors
Grief Support Group
Grief Support Group
Grieving? Show up any Saturday at 10 am to 11:30 am to hear a speaker on various topics of grief and loss, and then break into small discussion groups to talk to others experiencing a similar loss. New attendees are always welcome! We ask that you arrive by 9:45. Use our Contact Form or call 612-317-3454...