Our annual congregational meeting will be Sunday, January 23 immediately following our worship service. We will be voting to approve the 2022 budget, along with the following slate of nominees. A big thank you to our nominations committee: Jen Krengel, Pat Dunlop and Kirsten Cackoski.
Nominating Committee Report – January 2022
Terms end in January of the stated year
Trustees (4-year term)
Lu Griffin (2026)
Paul Rottschaefer (2026)
4-year term
Martha Harris (2026)
Margaret Hutchens (2026)
Tammy Rottschaefer (2026)
3-year term
Ron Keith (2025)
Deacons (3-year term)
Mitchell Grauberger (2025)
Melinda Nickerson (2025)
Andy Rennert (2025)
Elaine Tucker (2025)
Becki Whitaker (2025)