“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
We all know that the past year and a half has been full of challenges, but despite those challenges, First Christian Church of Minneapolis has continued to thrive and grow. Someday this global pandemic will be behind us and we will be looking at new ways to come together as a community to worship God and be the hands and feet of Christ in our world. How do you envision that future? What does a Future with Hope look like to you?
Our predecessors at First Christian Church of Minneapolis envisioned a future with hope when they invested funds to be used to sustain our church and continue our ministries long into the future. When we moved into SpringHouse, we envisioned a future with hope in a new building that would allow us to optimize our resources for ministry. With part of the proceeds from the sale of the old building, we established our Look to the Future fund and this fund has allowed us to continue the outreach, staffing and programs that our offerings alone would not support. We are very grateful that this congregation has had the ability and foresight to set aside funds to help us through difficult times and to keep our church thriving. In order to properly manage our reliance on the Look to the Future Fund and to continue to be the church that we are striving to be, we are asking everyone to prayerfully consider increasing the amount of your offerings.
I hope that over these past few weeks you have been joining me in prayer for our church. Hopefully your prayers are helping to clarify how, with the Spirit’s wisdom, you can contribute to the ongoing ministries that make First Christian Church of Minneapolis who we are today, and who we’ll be tomorrow. As you consider how you will participate in the life of our church through your time, talents and offerings, I invite you to reflect for a moment on what being a member of the First Christian family means to you. How has being a member of this faith community had an impact on your life? Think about the friendships you have made over the years and what they mean to you. Though the past year and a half has been tough, through technology we have worshipped together virtually, attended meetings, visited during coffee and happy hours, put on our own version of the state fair, a virtual talent show, a Halloween party, and more! What stands out for you?
I invite you to prayerfully consider the ways that you might be able to increase what you can offer to help us continue to share God’s love and peace with the world long into the future. With a past so full of grace, our future, thanks be to God, is likewise full of hope.
Kirsten Cackoski
Board Chair