Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number… – Acts 2
The life and death of Jesus had one strong message that was both overt and inherent: love one another. The heart of the matter was love. Time and again we hear Jesus offer the disciples a post-resurrection message of empowerment to give to the world what he had given to them. This Easter Season we will encourage one another to truly live out the heart of the matter.
As part of this series, you will need something:
In the account of the resurrection in the Gospel of Matthew, after the stone is rolled away from the tomb, the angel sits on the stone and gives the women this message, “Don’t be afraid.” Throughout the Season of Easter, we invite you to use a “worry stone,” which is a stone you carry about with you to rub when you are feeling anxious or worried. We encourage you to find a stone and paint or draw a heart on it. It will remind you of this angel’s message which Jesus then repeats, “Do not be afraid.”