In honor of Women’s History Month:
A Blessing For Risktakers & Changemakers
By: Rev. Dr. Lisa W. Davison, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean and Johnnie Eargle Cadieux Professor of Hebrew Bible, Phillips Theological Seminary
May the God of Eve give us the curiosity and discernment to move humanity toward accountability and fuller partnership with the Holy.
May the God of Shiphrah & Puah give us the strength and quick thinking to stand up against systemic evil that seeks to deal death rather than life.
May the God of Mahlah, Hoglah, Tirzah, Milcah, & Noah give us the chutzpah to demand equality for others & ourselves.
May the God of the Wise Woman of Tekoa give us boldness to be prophetic – telling people what they need to hear, even when it’s not what they want to hear.
May the God of Rizpah give us the courage to stand up for those quashed by oppression and abuse.
May the God of Huldah give us insight to study and interpret the sacred texts, even when they call us to be a voice of accountability for those in power.
May the Divine empower us to be risktakers and changemakers,
So that we can be the Holy’s agents of transformation in this world.
May the Creator of all women bless us along the way, as we partner with the Holy to make the fullness of Her shalom available to all.