This Sunday’s Mardi Gras worship service will have almost all of the usual ingredients: beads, Dixieland Jazz, King Cake. But, like everything else, we will have to experience it mostly through our computers. But not entirely! As usual, a link to the 10:30 worship service will be sent out through email blasts and Facebook. You’ll need to provide your own beads (any beads will work), and listen to the service and the great music through the livestream.
The KING CAKE, however, will be given out at a special “drive-through” location. Everyone who got a baby in their piece of King Cake last year has to bake/buy a King Cake. The cakes will need to somehow get to Pastor Laurie or Pastor Dan on Saturday, February 13 or to SpringHouse on Sunday morning, February 14 by 9 am. They will then be cut into individual pieces and each piece safely packaged. At 1 pm that day we will see you at the drive- through location and hand you a packaged slice of King Cake! This will be a great way for us to safely see each other.
The drive-through location will be sent out soon in an e-blast Saturday morning following Coffee With The Pastors.