Years ago, we stopped buying flowers in honor/memory of our loved ones and asked that the money you would spend on the flowers be put toward an Outreach effort. This has been a wonderful way to honor/remember our loved ones and be a source of help in our community. This year, as last year, Minnesota Food Share month falls right in the midst of Lent. As we will not be able to gather canned goods, we are asking for donations to be made for Food Month with donations going to Groveland Food Shelf and Minnesota Food Share. For our newer members, Groveland is a food shelf that First Christian helped start years ago. The need for food is great right now due to the pandemic which has resulted in businesses closing and job losses. Through our gifts to Food Month we can make a significant difference in lives of many of our neighbors. You will have the opportunity to give to this fund in honor/memory of your loved one beginning March 7 through Easter Sunday, April 4. There will be a Food Month envelope on Givelify or you can mail donations to the church. Please make checks out to FCC with Food Month in the memo.