February is a time when Disciples churches make monetary donations to Week of Compassion:
The mission of Week of Compassion is:
As the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Week of Compassion works with partners to alleviate suffering throughout the world.
Week of Compassion was there after the tornado destroyed First Christian Church in Mayfield, KY. It is there for Afghan refugees, for victims of natural disasters–anywhere suffering is, Week of Compassion brings hope.
For donations, please use the Givelify app or write “Week of Compassion” in the memo line of the check that you send to church.
March is Food Shelf month:
We still cannot ask for actual food donations but are accepting monetary donations, in whatever amount you wish to give. FCC has supported Groveland for many years. Since the pandemic the use of their service has more than doubled, to 5,000 recipients a month. Minnesota Food Share provides money directly to food shelves and also provides education and advocacy services about food insecurity throughout the state.
Donations will be welcomed from March 1-April 17. If you would normally have purchased $10 worth of food, you can donate that amount of money, if you wish. Donations will be evenly divided between Groveland Food Shelf and Minnesota Food Share, unless you wish to designate your donation to one of those specific organizations. You can do so by putting a memo on your check or in the Givelify app.
April and May:
We have not been able to work at Feed My Starving Children ever since the pandemic began. However, their work of providing nutritious meals all over the world has not stopped. We look forward to a time of gathering at one of their sites to pack meals, but for now, we are asking for donations to support their work.
Donations will be welcomed from April 18-May 31, either on the Givelify app or with a check mailed to the church office with “FMSC” in the memo line.
We realize that asking for money every month is not the way we prefer to do mission and outreach; it is much more impactful to scoop that grain into a bag at FMSC, buy canned goods for the food shelf, volunteer at the food shelf, but for now that is where the world is.
We very much hope to be able to gather for Mission at Our Doorstep sometime this summer! Whether it is gathering at the park as we did last year or having activities on several days at the church as we have done before, something WILL happen! (Fingers crossed!)