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Happy Reading! March 25, 2017

The National Weekend of Prayer was designed to be a time to pray for Gavin Grimm (the transgender student at the center of the case), the transgender community, and the…

Here’s our opportunity to challenge Pastor Laurie to get her message out in fewer words. For the rest of March, we will be collecting food for Minnesota Food Share. Please…

Come hungry to worship – the SpringHouse Nicaragua Servant Trip team will be serving us a Central American-style lunch this Sunday!  All proceeds go to support the July trip.

Pastor Laurie, Bill Spangler-Dunning, and other Disciples clergy and laity will be taking part in the Religious Allies Pray & March with Standing Rock gathering in Washington, D.C. this Thursday (Mar….

The SpringHouse Child Ministries Team invites you to join them for Family Folk Dancing on Sunday, March 5 from 12 – 1:30 pm in the South Sanctuary.  The dances will…

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