Hello SpringHouse Beloveds, First things first, it has been SO wonderful meeting many of you these last several weeks. I am looking forward to getting to get to know you…
“Emergency SNAP benefits end, Minnesota food shelves brace for growing need,” (StarTribune headline, February 28, 2023) Extra SNAP benefits (formerly called Food Stamps) were started in March 2020. Over 432,000…
Links for the week: LiveStream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVqQ57szyEh8JCtF_8lhiw Maundy Thursday Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81587513478, or by phone (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 815 8751 3478 Prayer Vigil SignUp: https://www.fccminneapolis.org/sheet/2023-easter-vigil-signup/ Downloadable palms available on front page…
Several times a year, congregations receive a special offering to support the ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). These gifts are given above and beyond the regular core…