VocalPoint Chorus, the choir Pastor Dan sang with for many years, is back after a 2 year hiatus, in a new way! You are invitied to join VocalPoint and Central Presbyterian Church for the inaugural gathering of “Nourish” — community sings that are intended to fill our cups and strengthen us for this work. You do not need any special skills or experience; no auditions, no concerts, no tickets. This is a moment for YOU to be nourished. For us to tend our collective fires. For us to know we are not alone, and that compassion and empathy are gifts to be shared, not ideas to be mocked.

We will gather at Central from 4:30 – 6:00 pm on Sunday, February 16, and then eat a light meal together from 6:00 – 7:00. It’s completely free, including parking. All are welcome! Our first guest song leaders are Jane Ramseyer Miller and Peter Mayer. Come, and be encouraged and be fed.
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