In the Fall of 2023, a small group of board members met and developed a thorough congregational survey to gauge what our guiding ministry priorities are. Each member of the congregation was given the option to complete the survey. Questions were answered on a scale of 5-1 of most importance. Several small group discussions were scheduled to allow members to discuss what is important to them and the church. Based on the survey results and the small group meetings, the following 5 statements were created based on our mission & vision statements:

  • RESPECT AND RECEIVE: As Christ’s ambassadors, WE “RESPECT” God and God’s creation and WE RECEIVE” all God’s children by welcoming, affirming and embracing all individuals of any background, ability, economic status, ethnicity, culture, race, gender identity or sexual orientation, including people of all identities without reservation in full fellowship and leadership in our church.
  • REFLECT AND RESONATE: Like Mary, WE “REFLECT” and WE “RESONATE” on God’s word honoring freedom of belief, celebrating our differences and being united by Christ while we listen, share, nurture and play in fellowship with each other.

  • REVERE AND REJOICE: As disciples, WE “REVERE” God through worship, prayer, ministering to each other and the body of Christ, and WE “REJOICE” at its impact.
  • REACH OUT AND RAISE AWARENESS: Like Martha, who sought to be of service, WE “REACH OUT” as disciples of Jesus Christ who actively care for people by serving the local and global community, especially where there is hunger, suffering and brokenness; and WE RAISE AWARENESS” by advocating for others and bringing the message of Christ’s radical inclusive love to the world.

  • REINVENT AND REVEL: Like Jesus, WE “REINVENT” and WE “REVEL” in what it means to be in ecumenical ministry and mission through our shared worship and community spaces at SpringHouse Ministry Center.

Learn more:

Survey questions ranked by priority

Survey Results – 5 Rs document

Feedback Highlights from FCC Small Group Gatherings 2023

REVISED FCC Survey Worship Presentation 4.14.24

Our Ordination Vows In Context With The 5R Statements