OutFront’s annual Lobby Day is Thursday, April 29th! While COVID has impacted this legislative session in a number of ways, OutFront’s commitment to LGBTQ+ equity hasn’t changed. Our bill to ban conversion “therapy,” also known as the Mental Health Protections Act, was introduced by Rep. Athena Hollins and Sen. Scott Dibble. We’re seeing anti-LGBTQ+, especially anti-transgender, legislation being introduced across the nation, including here in Minnesota.

The Senate’s omnibus education bill (SF960) includes a ban on trans youth participating in sports. It specifically targets trans girls and is similar to legislation being introduced and voted on in other states. We all need to show up to Lobby Day and talk with our legislators about how wrong this policy is for our state. We can ask our elected officials to speak out publicly for trans equity and justice by denouncing this harmful policy and signing on as an author of the legislation to ban conversion therapy.

It’s just as important now as ever to be aligned in our values and how we can influence positive change for the LGBTQ+ community through legislation. Click here to register

CategoryAdvocacy, LGBTQ

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