Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund, our keynote speaker for Mental Health and the Faith Community’s Response, will join us Sunday morning for “Conversations with Sarah” during adult education time, beginning at 9:30 am in the Gathering Space, and will be the guest preacher during our 10:30 worship service.
Sarah Griffith Lund is passionate about loving her family, God, and being part of faith communities. She is an ordained minister and has served as pastor to churches in Brooklyn, NY, Minneapolis, MN, and New Smyrna Beach, FL. She holds degrees from Trinity University, Princeton Theological Seminary, Rutgers University, and McCormick Theological Seminary. She currently serves as a Vice President for Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN.
Sarah received the Engle Preaching Prize from Princeton and the Bob and Joyce Dell Award for Mental Health Education from the United Church of Christ Mental Health Network in 2015 for “her outstanding authorship and leadership in breaking the silence about mental illness in family and in church and offering healing and hope.” Sarah is the author of the acclaimed Blessed are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Family and Church (Chalice, 2014) and blogs at sarahgriffithlund.com.
Sarah serves on the leadership team for the Bethany Ecumenical Fellows (www.bethanyfellows.org), a program to nurture young pastors in their first five years of local church ministry. Sarah is married to Jonathan and they are the parents to a first grader named Carter.