An Invitation to our KIDS up through fifth grade!
Tune in to our Zoom call on Sunday mornings! The Zoom call opens at 9:20 am. We like to start at 9:30 am if we can. We will still start with our Gathering Time – talking about our blessings and what we’re grateful for until about 9:35/9:40 am. Then, starting this Sunday, October 24th, it’s STORY TIME FROM THE SQUIGGLE SPACE!!!
We will have someone reading a children’s story to you – a different story each week and a different person reading each time. After the story, there will be an activity that everyone can do together. How fun is that?
Kids – be thinking about what some of your favorite stories are and let Deb Murphy or Pastor Rhonda know what those titles are. We already have a bunch of ideas, but want to hear from YOU!
Parents, Guardians, Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, other Adults and Youth: we will need a lot of volunteer readers for this. This is a great intergenerational opportunity. We want the kids to get the chance to get to know the adults in all three congregations. Think of stories you and/or your kids really liked. You can join us on Zoom, or you can pre-record it and we’ll play it for the kids. We will also record the Zoom session and create an archive that children and parents can go back to anytime.
Questions? Talk with Pastor Rhonda or Deb – or both! The Zoom link will be emailed to our families on Saturday, October 23rd. If you don’t get the email or if you want to be added to our list of Child Ministries families, please email Deb (deb.murphy@fccmpls.org).