Celebrate Thanksgiving with our neighbors at the Interfaith Thanksgiving service at Temple Israel. This worship service, offered by the Downtown Congregations Interfaith Senior Clergy, will feature a sermon by Pastor Elijah McDavid from Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church and participation by area interfaith clergy. Participating congregations include Central Lutheran Church, Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), First Covenant Church, First Unitarian Society, First Universalist Church, Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, Islamic Community Center of Minnesota/Masjid Al-Amin, Masjid An-Nur, Plymouth Congregational Church, Pilgrim Baptist Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, St. Olaf Roman Catholic Church, Temple Israel, and Westminster Presbyterian Church. This year’s service is both in-person and online. Masks and physical distancing will be required for those attending in person. Temple Israel is located at 2323 Fremont Ave S. in Minneapolis. Should you wish to attend virtually, click here.