The SpringHouse Green Team has several updates to share with the SpringHouse community:
Birding Outing – Coldwater Spring Area – May 12
The Green Team will host a birding outing at the Coldwater Spring area (close to Veterans home area) on May 12 8:30-9:45. This is an area with rich indigenous importance. We will start with a brief history of this area, before searching for birds. Click here for location and more information
Wakan Tipi Restoration Outings – Summer
Wakan Tipi in St. Paul is another Dakota sacred area that is in need of restoration. We have volunteered on Tuesday nights for the last 2 years. This year we are considering adding a Saturday opportunity if the Youth (14yo+) would be interested. There are no firm dates yet, but it would be June, July, August or October. The work is not necessarily easy–pulling weeds, cutting sticky plants and risking ticks & chiggers. But the area will become a beautiful prairie filled with native plants when the work is done. There is usually a fun information activity before the work starts. Learn more about Wakan Tipi
Kayak/Canoe Outing On The Mississippi River – June 29
For pure fun, we are organizing a kayaking/canoeing day on the Mississippi River June 29 from 9-Noon. Rentals should be available or bring your own. The rentals hold 2 people. Car rides will be arranged to retrieve cars after all is done. The park we will end in has a Nature Center and a picnic area.